Implants Teeth

For those who have had problems with their teeth and feel as though they need a new tooth and root inserted, they should consider implants teeth. This is a procedure where a dentist inserts an implant that serves as the root, where he or she can then put a bridge, dentures, etc. The implants teeth are just the roots that the fake teeth/tooth will be inserted into. For those who have had teeth decay or some other problem, implants teeth may be the best option to get a normal looking tooth where there is no longer a viable tooth. You should consider other options before looking at implants teeth, since it can be expensive.

How Much Does Implants Teeth Cost?

If you are looking to have implants teeth, you should consider the cost before going ahead with the procedure. The total cost will be somewhere between $1500 and $3000 dollars, depending on the particular implant needed done. Some insurance companies will cover this procedure, but not all will. You should call your dentist and have the receptionist there call the insurance company and ask if there is any coverage for the procedure. A lot of insurance companies will cover about $500 of implants teeth. But this isn't a universal truth; some dental insurance will cover the entire procedure, while others will not cover any of the procedure. For this reason, you should contact your individual insurance company.

If you have to pay for the implants teeth, it can be very tough on your finances. You can save up for a few months, or ask your dentist if you can set up a payment plan, where you pay weekly or monthly until you have the balance paid off. Some dentists will require 100% of payment before doing any work. It will depend on your dentist.

What to expect from implants teeth?

After you have the finances in order, it will be time to get the implants teeth. You will first have to have the implant put in. Some dentists do this with a local anesthetic or laughing gas. Some specialists will actually use a general anesthetic. It will depend on the type of procedure needed. In the end, you shouldn't feel any pain when the procedure is being done, no matter the type of anesthetic used. You will need to plan on someone else driving you home from the procedure. When you are done with the implants teeth, you may feel a little out of it. Further, it will not be safe for you to drive a car for at least a few hours after getting done. After the implant is inserted, you may have a "fake tooth" inserted, in the form of a cap, crown, bridge or dentures. The exact fake tooth used will depend on the number of teeth missing and location of those missing teeth. In the end, you should find you are happy with your new implants teeth and can't tell a difference between the real and fake teeth.

Implants Teeth